Planning Your School Visit

Booking Programs

All programs are booked on a first come, first served basis. If possible, bookings can be made for the time and date that best meets your needs.  To reserve your program, Call: 902-866-0032 (Museum) or 902-866-2560 (Office)or Off season: Contact Us

Group Size

The cost for each program is $4.00 per student (tax included). Payment can be made by cash, cheque, or credit card. Cheques are the preferred method of payment and should be made payable to the “Uniacke Estate Museum Park”.  


Teachers, assistants, and chaperones are admitted free.

Chaperones must stay with the group of students assigned to them at all times.  Teachers and chaperones are responsible for the safety and behaviour of students during their visit.


When the weather is fine, there are picnic tables and plenty of area on the grounds for students to eat their lunch outside.  Students should not bring meals that require refrigeration or heating.   In bad weather, the Carriage House can be made available for lunch.


Male and female bathrooms are located in the tea room, each having only one toilet.  Additionally there are outhouses on site at the trail head.

Tea Room and Gift Shop

The Post Road Tea Room and Gift Shop entrance is located at the rear of the house.  It caters to students with inexpensive treats and gifts.  To avoid disappointment, additional time should be allocated following the end of a program or tour for students to visit the tea room.  Students visiting the tea room must be accompanied by a chaperone.

What to Expect

Prior to your visit

  • Confirmation of school program booking, date and time, along with a Pre-Visit Package will be sent to teachers via fax or email.
  • If possible, students should eat recess snacks on the bus, prior to arrival.

On Arrival

  • You will be met on arrival by Museum staff and volunteers, who will conduct your program or tour.
  • Admission can be paid in the tea room by cash, credit card, or cheque, payable to the “Uniacke Estate Museum Park.” 


  • Programs are generally 2 hours long.  Planning additional time after the program allows students to enjoy a picnic lunch and to explore the grounds.
  • We have spacious grounds and teachers are invited to bring balls or other items for students to use after lunch.
  • Trip to the Past includes outside activities and the Wetlands is an outside program entirely.  Students should come dressed for the weather!